


  • AAB - Custom PCBs


  • AAB/001 - Protoboard for ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1

Contracted By:

  • N/A



  • 00.00.02:
    • Updated version screenprint
    • Centered letters in middle, indicating rows. They were not quite aligned vertically with each other or the center
    • Moved R3v3 to be at the end of rail to be consistent with others
  • 00.00.03:
    • Added trace screenprinting to top layer since traces themselves aren’t super obvious
    • Widened space between headers as I mismeasured the ESP32 dev board
    • Due to the above line, added a middle column of pads with no traces to anywhere
    • Updated rev screenprint number
    • Added header H16 since board was widened
    • Added second column of A, B, C, D, etc… row identifiers
    • Added 09 column identifier to both sides
    • Moved GPIO id text to other side of the “set of two” connected pads
    • Moved Header text away from header pads so more visible when headers soldered on
    • Added regions encircling the GPIO labels and what coupled pads are associated with them to better define which are which

Other Notes: